Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TL for short

I was still struggling for a bit when it came to thinking about temporal linearization.  Since I really don't watch film for the 'art' in it for the most part, I tend not to notice these sorts of things while watching.  Being a music major for me has altered my listening of music to be too analytical and I would hate for that to happen for movies as well.  So I will try to be as base as I can about my thoughts, with explanation, but straight to the point.

So.  In any case, I can't really remember any exact movie that has STRICT TL, but I do remember a soundtrack that acted as such.  

In the movie Solaris I noticed that the soundtrack was sometimes interchangeable with the sounds that you may hear in the 'imagined' places.  For those who haven't seen the movie- George Clooney is a psychologist that is asked to come to a space-station that is orbiting a new planet in the distant future.  The planet is quite odd (often perceived this way because of the sounds accompanying the visuals) and something quite odd is happening on the ship.  Thus the reason for Clooney's character to be summoned.  

Since it is a psychological movie with regards to the character's mission and also the setting of events in the plot, the ambient soundtrack and sound effects are sometimes acting as temporal linearization.  I wouldn't say that they are 100% but like I mentioned above, I was struggling to think of a fair use of it in any movie whatsoever.

It sort of reminded me of a lead-in effect often used to segue between shots.  Although it is a transitional motion, it still gives the observer the sense that two things are going on at once.  One instance is being viewed and heard, and the next is being heard before it is viewed.  It would be very effective especially if there was a change of pace in the movie and we, the viewer, would need to be set up for the new pacing while not being abruptly dropped into a new setting.  So this lead-in effect aurally is bonding two (somewhat) unlike sections.

All of this was sort of conjecture as to what fits as "TL" so let me know what you think.

Is it?  No?  Who knows?


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