Monday, September 29, 2008

changing the way you think

overall i have found it very hard to change the way that i watch movies. i am so used to just watching the movie to get the story/plot out of it. so needless to say it has been very hard to change the way that i have been trained to watch films my whole life. But even before this class i had been particularly adept to finding little idiosyncrasies in films that many people would just pass over. For example when something is overdubbed it sticks out to me like a sore thumb. So I would say that i am pretty good at noticing little things in films. But I have found it particularly challenging to turn off the enjoyment part of my movie watching and to turn on the analysis part of my movie watching. But as time goes on it gets slightly better. I just hope that at the end of the semester that this situation won't be the other way around and that i will constantly be stuck in the analysis mode, but I think that this may also help me get more out of my movie watching experiences. To be able to look a little further into the choices that the creators made in order to construct a piece as a whole.

1 comment:

Tim Taylor said...

hey man, do you have a scooter?