Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some people are too good for their own good.

With the last couple of blogs so focused on circuit bending, art installations, and electronic projects I thought I would explore the other side of what DIY audio means for a little bit. That is things that do not plug in or require power or circuitry to work. Apparently, these kinds of instruments are big in the folk scene which I did not know before. It makes sense as folk traditions have often been linked to lower socioeconomic statuses than the rich and homemade instruments must have been commonplace in desolate economic times in the past such as the depression.

This guy has a few acoustic DIY projects that caught my interest. Honestly, the propane tank drum nor the upright washtub-esqe bass are all that interesting (they are common enough projects) but that third instrument caught my eye. A hand cranked fiddle is truly a bizarre wonder and I still am trying to wrap my mind around it. Unfortunately, no plans are listed in the video comments and no discussion on these instruments are made but I will see with a little google fu you can find this information.

PVC pipe drums are nothing new. Hell, the Blue Man Group made a career out of using them. Yet, they seem to be a common instrument among DIYers. I guess, short of trashcans, there is no quicker and easy way to cobble together some drums. And PVC at least allows for variable pitch from some analogy non-circuit bending.

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