Tuesday, May 4, 2010

From The Desk of the Projects Beyond Me Editor

First Project
I really dig this project due to a couple of reasons. First, being able to interact with any project brings greater understand and joy to some who have troubles connecting to art otherwise. Second, the combination of multiple sense (in this case sound, touch, and sight) can really add some depth to the observers experience with a piece. As such, this is a great multimedia project and one definitely rooted in the DIY mentality (I couldn't find a schematic for this anywhere). The downside is while the guy showcases what his project can do - he never reveals how it was made or how it does it. It's still interesting to watch and listen to but the inquisitive side of me will not shut up about learning how it works.
Second Project
This is another interactive installation. Unlike the previous one which required modifying the resistance of water to produce sound, this project, instead, has individuals use a glove with tape reader built in. People run their gloved hand over a wide surface of tape material and they then produce sound from their hand reading the information of the tape. This project seems less connect to DIY than the other one but it reminded me a project listed in our texts as the tape violin. The tape violin works on similar principles as the tape is strung on a bow and the tape is then dragged over a tape head to produce the audio.

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