Saturday, May 8, 2010

DIY Advice

- Always use a wet sponge to clean the solder from your soldering iron tip. Soldering tips degrade very quickly, especially if solder is left on them.
- Work in a well lit space where you can remain organized. DIY projects can get confusing and really disorganized, really fast.
- Do whatever you want. If you are doing it yourself, you should do whatever you want.
- Experiment. Breadboards are a great tool for experimenting with an unlimited amount of circuit combinations. Try anything; you never know what sound you will get.
- Acquire a de-soldering tool. Soldering can be pretty tough, especially when you are finalizing a circuit to a circuit board. If you drop a huge glob on your board, a de soldering tool will save the day.
- Lick your finger and touch things. Electronic things that aren’t plugged into wall outlets.
- Photo resistors and LEDs are best friends forever.
- Soldering guns are very hot. They will burn your flesh or melt your de soldering tool if you aren’t careful where you place them. Melting your stuff can be a bummer and filling your workspace with burning plastic fumes is just plain no good.

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