Friday, December 14, 2007
A circus with no animals
I Felt like everyone did an amazing job with their readings, and absolutely loved how the different parts chose stating what portion of readings were being used were totally out of order. It obviously was meant to not matter the way we set up this performance, but it still created a comic effect for anyone that caught the statements of different parts of the reading. I felt that the use of the gong part in the center couldn't have been placed better and it was so perfect to have Aaron's voice disappear in the noise and return upon the decline of volume. The ending came perfectly with the stopping of the music and final statement as if it had been rehearsed numerous times despite our method of self practice. Despite the unfamiliarity i have for this type of performance I would be open to this again and/or other things for sure!
Monday night we exited the circus of no animals, but maybe some animal noises ;)
Chris Lundeen
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Reflection After a Performance
Cage Circus Chaos!
Monday, December 10, 2007
My post experience
With an hour and a half to go...
Generally humor's gotten me through a great deal of those situations. One time while I was in a band playing at the Varsity Theater, I definitely felt strange being up on the stage with all of that space and all of those people out in the crowd. Luckily, the icebreaker occurred when the guy who booked the show got a hold of the smoke machines that were mounted on the ceiling and rained down ridiculous amounts of it down on us as a kind of B.S. grand entrance during our first song. I had to laugh inside, though maybe I did scowl slightly at the over-the-top nature of his gesture. I have a feeling when I step foot in the recital hall after over a decade of being away from it that things will seem smaller than as I once remembered them, and this is a little funny to me.
One other thing that helps get me through is the struggle against the adversity of other people's negative perceptions of what you're doing. Nothing makes things easier for me than a good old-fashioned showdown mentality of "Hey, I'm on the stage and doing this, so if you like it, great, and if not..." As the nature of the pieces that will be performed within the next two hours is decidedly avant-garde, especially given the context of this being Saint Cloud and all, I'd thrive if people got nervous or reacted negatively...but what would also make my day would be if people enjoyed it and even joined in the dialog, so to speak. And so I continue to wait...
Music-Making Methodology... ISM
I also think it's worth noting that in the age of the Internet, it's really great how one can find people to make less traditional music with, where you send things back and forth and come up with fun ideas... From like-minded people a sort of joke-like genre of music was born called ISM, a play on the genre of IDM [where the former stands for Intelligent Shit Music the latter is, of course, Intelligent Dance Music]. As stated on ... it can be said that "to understand ISM you must become ISM" and that the only rule in the genre is that there are no rules...
Here is a pretty good example of ISM (assuming it even works since geocities isn't exactly a very reliable hosting site): AVENGING GLACIER - SAPMULER
Sound and Space
The Physical Force of Loud Live Music
Pre Show
EA Arts Ensemble: Rupert Murdoch Wants YOU
It's no secret that Murdoch's company News Corp has been in an acquisitive mood for some time--they recently have tried to purchase the media firm Dow Jones, which owns, among other things, the Wall Street Journal. More importantly, at least with regard to this blog posting, News Corp owns Myspace, the new media phenom that has lonely singles and not-so-singles, bands that have yet to leave the bedroom for the garage, aspiring filmmakers, and even comedy troupes vying for everyone else's attention. And, although they have yet to be as ubiquitous a force as every other neighbor kid with an electric guitar that might be in a band (or maybe just a Guitar Hero aficionado who plays Rock Band every now and then), those who make the more 'experimental' garden varieties of sound have been making themselves heard as of late, and now have a couple Myspace-approved genres with which to tag their music profile.
Anyone in this class start a band profile (yet), and if so, did you notice the seeming wealth of genres to choose from? Leaving aside those which have been historically related to relatively pioneering in the popular, er, "sound" realm (i.e. Industrial, Ambient, etc.) budding EA Arts Ensemble'rs with an eye towards self-promotion can choose from these pertinent choices:
Acousmatic / Tape Music
Live Electronics
and of course
(it's worth noting though that there's been a bit of a screwball movement of those who would rather humorously label themselves and thereby have fun with genres and unsuspecting Myspace music searchers)
So why this allotment of recognition? Is there somebody "cool" at the right hand of "Tom"? Rather, I think it's a testament to the data collecting powers of a site like Myspace, where everyone, regardless of what they put in their interests section (for instance) can be spammed for friendship/praise/credibility/booking/$$$ by any number of real and/or otherwise profiles clued into their presence by one particularly half-thought out keyword. Thusly the all-commodifying power of global capitalism seeps its way into the friend request and event invitation boxes of even the most noisiest of noise mavens...tribute page or no.
Proceeding from the question "why would anybody do this?" . . .
And this video response, as it were, is hardly meant to fully answer the question, but rather to shed a little light on a particular community of people who do art through sound in this way, using these means. Political, aesthetic, and even purely hedonistic-seeming discursive threads can be seen running through each of the little blurbs of interviewees shown in the trailer. The portrayals, brief as they are, seem to indicate a group of people who have taken stock of their surroundings and worked out little niches for themselves to explore and share with each other, in contrast to how some detractors of experimental music would probably, at first exasperated and dismissive, tag perceived members of any avant-garde with trying to outdo each other in terms of pushing the envelope and doing what had yet to be done. I hope to be able to catch this movie when it comes out to see how well it will be executed as a film and also to hopefully catch some interesting presentations of music.
Mincemeat or Tenspeed
I found this description of his approach and work online:
[f]or those unfamiliar, Mincemeat or Tenspeed (yes, thats one band, one name) does NOT use any drummachines, sequencers, samplers, computers, etc to make his beats. Instead, he uses an intricate and delicately balanced series of gated mixer-feedback loops to create intense rhythms with a texture unlike any other type of beats you will ever hear. Highly recommended for anyone interested in cutting edge techniques for making hardcore electronic music.
And, although the videos I’ve found on YouTube of him don’t do his live performance all that much justice, on account of the sorry state of widely-available videorecording devices being very easily overdriven to the point of erasing the kind of nuance that makes someone like MoT pretty amazing on a couple perceptual levels, here’s a short clip of him mid-show:
I thought him especially relevant to this course due to his employment of handheld, mostly-battery-operated effects pedals and a few mixers, taking basic building blocks of sound through a painstaking process and achieving similar results to artists who would require more traditional means of reproducing sound.
Brought to you by the fine folks at!
With regards to the sensory power unleashed by Steve Reich’s “Pendulum Music,” I was glancing at some reading about the idea of sound as weapon and came across a device that purports to use the keen ears of youthful teenagers, who may also be prone to acts of petty criminality like . . . er, loitering. It’s named the Mosquito, and it was designed to affect people from their teens up to the age of thirty or thereabouts, when the average person’s ability to reliably hear the frequency at which is broadcasts, 17.4 kHz, diminishes. Apparently the annoying quality comes into effect if the unfortunate soul remains in place for longer than ten minutes. The makers of the Mosquito, Compound Security (, maintain their device meets safety standards and cite the example that children have used their particularly higher hearing attentuation to make cellphone ringtones that elude adults’ (i.e. teachers) ears. Ingenious, no?
However, concern has been raised in the UK about the legality of such means, with detractors arguing the Mosquito falls in the realm of a violation of human rights. Not surprisingly, Compound Security’s research into the matter is at odds with such criticism.
Stumbling from that onward to an additional tangent, apparently the Republic of Ireland has found the Mosquito to be illegal on the grounds that--
anyone who "directly or indirectly applies force to or causes an impact on the body of another ... without the consent of the other" ... including "application of heat, light, electric current, noise or any other form of energy", is guilty of commiting assault. (
One wonders how well someone could make a case against noise bands like Wolf Eyes or even plain loud rock bands touring Olde Eire based on such criteria. It definitely gives me pause on the odd moment where I think about touring the Emerald
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Reflection Before a Performance
I have never uttered those words ever before in my life.
I'm guessing only those that have traveled with the circus have. I doubt anyone in class has, but if so- I apologize. I think the real fun tomorrow will be all of the collaboration during the overlapping sections. It may not be really fun for the audience since they don't know what has transpired in class to bring this particular performance to them, but maybe they will see us enjoying our sonic mayhem and live through us vicariously.
So this post is really not too academic. But then again, I don't want it to be. There will be one after the performance that will have way too much jargon and vernacular pertaining to class. This post is my reflection of what I think sometimes we neglect learning all the particulars about music. At it's heart- music is to have fun. Plain and simple. You could say historically it was to please the gods- but if you think about it- if they (He, them, it, whatever you believe) are pleased: we're more likely to have fun, huh? So there it is. I'm sure we'll all have fun and show some unlikely audience member what they are missing out on.
Short post I know. Just remember to have fun! That's what it's all about!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
When I Wake Up Each Morning, My Alarm Plays Caribbean Music
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
advertising and its lovely complications
Well, one great market that advertising is hugely active in is the world of Myspace. The question is what is cool to use and is really fair game and what is uncool? Often bands or companies messages massive quantities of people presenting their music, show, or product. Many people flip out in anger that it is SPAM!!! However, sometimes these messages are personalized based on information that involves much of your profile. I personally think the random duplicate message are almost surely classifiable as spam, but what about the messages with personal attention? Really myspace is a place for networking and friendmaking so couldn't a message like that be placed in the same category as a hello message stating the interest in talking to someone?
It has been clearly defined that emails from random sources are spam, but with a networking world such as myspace what do you do because while some people are absolutely against a message from a stranger, isn't that the same thing that you see on television called a commercial that alot of people DON'T WANT TO WATCH? I have thought about this a lot and one idea i thought about was...What if on your page you could choose whether to allow messages from people you didn't add or not, wait that is an option! That means that people that don't want the messages can prevent them, however i do sympathize the technologically challenged somewhat...ok enough sympathy, figure it out already. If you are going to be on myspace you better be ready for complex technology because it employs all sorts of multimedia and linked pages!
When dealing with music the purpose of myspace is to be able to be heard and get your name out there. Here's to the creation of filling out a section of musical preferences to be added to your personalization of your profile so you can only receive messages for your style of music!!!
Chris Lundeen
Who's right is it anyway???
We will be performing 4:33 with two people performing it in duo which directly correlates to a situation of a local musical group, and in fact MANY musical acts.
The local giants of underground hard music, AFTER THE BURIAL had their signer leave the band in July this past summer. He was by most people the most known member of the group and beloved. The members which do/did most of the musical composition still remain in tact now and replaced their drummer and the missing singer spot with members of a band they were friends with.
The reason I'm going on about this is I heard alot from people about how they should change their name because it wont be *the same band.* I understand what is meant because of the belovedness of the original frontman and stage energy that he had unlike anyone else, however isn't it kind of the band's right to choose? They haven't even debaited name change as far as i'm concerned, but i just thought about it because it is a common happening that a band once known for its original members may only have one original member when it becomes hugely popular and who's right is it to decide if they are the same band? That in mind, is it right of us to call 4:33 just that or are we being too experimental with it? Who should decide the right's of anyone else and is it fair to call something by the same label when the components have changed greatly? Who's right is it anyway???
Chris Lundeen
Radio Music
Chris Lundeen
Draft of a Blurb (Blurb of a Draft)
Early in the semester, we as a class examined a piece by deceased composer James Tenney entitled, “Having Never Written a Note for Percussion.” Professor Twombly wrote out the entire score in class for us, which can be seen above.
He then demonstrated the performing of it with the use of a single gong and two mallets, playing a version of it which lasted six minutes. As can be seen by the notation, the piece calls for a gradual crescendo over the course of an extended period of time, coming to the loudest possible volume somewhere in the middle and then followed by a gradual decrescendo.
Noted avant-garde percussionist William Winant, who adapted the piece to be played by himself and the members of the experimental rock band Sonic Youth for their album Goodbye Twentieth Century, describes some of Tenney’s thought behind these works: “[Tenney] had all these compositions for solo instruments that were musical analogs of Zen koans, musical questions to ponder that would bring enlightenment.”
Karl Konz will be performing this evening’s version of James Tenney's “Having Never Written a Note for Percussion.”
Isaac Rotto
Scary Music!!! : Perceiving the perceptions
I was playing a band that I am friends with that I was previously planning to take this girl to in a couple of weeks because she had never been to the club they are playing. Now, we'll see because what she was referring to by SCARY MUSIC was music with screaming. I guess i hadn't realized how normalized it has become to me because now it's like no big the and the WEIRD stuff i listen to is associated with these new media classes in my own mind. I dare to say i don't think i'll be playing it for her anytime soon due to a lot of explaining needed to get to a point where she could comprehend the purpose.
This really helped me get a better grip of connotations of what is music. Really i have been grouping new media music into the CRAZY and WEIRD categories without realizing that that's what people near me think about the music that i enjoy on a daily basis. I have "perceived perceptions" in a new way and i'm glad this conversation with the girl took place. Really i have been trying hard to accept new media into the realm of MUSICAL PIECES or WORKS but at the same time unconciously denying it that very right. I've felt like it's just crazy even though i get the technical and skillful aspects correlated with the music.
My point is...No matter what you enjoy listening to, someone find its to be CRAZY or STUPID and any genre of music should be considered as quality. You just have to learn to perceive the perceptions you've known your whole life in a new way.
Chris Lundeen
Music On A Long Thin Wire WRITE-UP
Cistern as Instrument
I would’ve loved to have found out just how the performance of the Dempster piece was recorded. I’m sure if they had used unidirectional close-mic’ing of the instruments the results of the performance would have sounded much different than whatever mics were used to capture the rich resonating and echoes of the cistern as “activated” by the ensemble. I also wonder to what extent trial-and-error factored into the recording situation; if it was a one-take deal or if several, possibly shorter, runs in order to nail down a satisfactory mic situation were attempted; and how frustrating it might have been to have to wait after a botched take for the echoes to die down in order for the next take to begin as envisioned.
In doing a little reading about Oliveros and deep-listening, I was struck by this part of her Wikipedia entry--
Oliveros coined the term "Deep Listening", which she then applied to her group The Deep Listening Band and to the Deep Listening program of Deep Listening Institute, Ltd. (formerly The Pauline Oliveros Foundation), which she founded in 1985. The Deep Listening program includes annual listening retreats in Europe, New Mexico and in upstate New York, as well as apprenticeship and certification programs. The Deep Listening Band, which includes Oliveros, David Gamper, and Stuart Dempster, specializes in performing and recording in resonant or reverberant spaces such as caves, cathedrals and huge underground cisterns. (
The idea of a group of people traveling around and exploring both natural and artificial structures’ sound really intrigues me. As someone who has played music in various places around the country, the sound of a room almost becomes at times a personal bane, a never-ending struggle with trying to sound similar, a different room night after night, to how things sounded in a “control” room like a practice space. Here is an aesthetic that prides itself on going around and activating those places’ characteristics! In a way it almost undercuts traditional notions of the performer, in that it could be said that greater allowance is made for aspects of individual spaces to play the musicians after a fashion.
Friday, November 30, 2007
How Cunning the Ear is to Deceive Us
I still find it funny that two things can emulate each other so well. Or how one thing emulates another, really. It really startled me when I heard the answer too. I felt like I should have known better being that I have played trombone for the greater portion of my life. It also shows how well it worked as an example for what we talked about afterwards.
Room. Make some room in your music for room. It could be its own genre. "Room Music." It's perfect. No. Let's not go there.
In reality, what makes a room "good"? Is there an 'all purpose room'? Or is it really just to fit the situation accordingly in each individual instance? Probably the latter mentioned. I have a friend that owns a studio, and the sound of the room is one of the biggest influences on every sound. From drums, to guitar, to bass, to vocals, to keyboards... Each really needs its own different space to be captured in their own 'perfect' ways, or at least for the aesthetic they are looking for.
Thinking in this way poses a slight problem- I could be on a wrong path of thought, but- if each instrument requires a different size room to perhaps "create the most beautiful sound" of its own- why does it work out when all the instruments are put together live? Take for instance a big drum kit with a booming bass drum and wicked loud cymbals- you need a pretty hefty room to accommodate just the size of the drums let alone the sound produced. It is a big stretch when comparing it to the small sound-proofed isolation booth needed for vocals to be crisp and 'in your face'.
I understand that there are entire institutions devoted to bringing these physical limitations into our grasp, but what about the amateur musician striving to make their trumpet sound better? I have no idea what I just meant by that, but I'm sure I was going somewhere with it so I will keep it. I guess my question would be: how would someone without prior knowledge learn these precise things without analysis of music to a very fine ...lack of word... state. There we go. To a very fine state of understanding.
I guess my whole post was, in a way, without fully understanding what was meant by the post below, to bring to light some of the intricacies that are needed to create even the most simple music. Whether or not the music is created with an intrinsic knowledge of all of the complexities music has to offer- there has to be some intuition of these to make a musical decision that produces, well, good music.
Most people have it- they can recognize good music and can tell exactly what they like about it. They don't have to use very technical details- but their explanation could be worded in various ways- including anything from a lush personal story of enlightenment and experience, but also one could use mathematical formulas and theoretical statements to accurately describe the same musical situation. It really comes down to individual personality. I would go as far to purport that this is not just my opinion, but a pretty rational explanation of some differences in taste.
I don't really know how to close out this post. I guess I feel like the semester is already over- a bad feeling to have- often letting homework slip through my fingers and relinquishing that pleasant grade for a less pleasant grade. Maybe a few Redbulls later I will change my mind. But anyways.
The post I am trying to close out... If anything- it is better to know that there are other methods of understanding how music makes us feel good, then not to know of them. Bleh! I'm rambling. Time for sleep.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Roomate sound
p.s: This is a huge opinion and I do not direct it towards anyone.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
it all ADDS up
The one extremely evident case of this with guitars is what "scenies" commonly call "dissonant chords." Really they aren't chords in a structural sense of the word chord but whatever. Playing two notes half a step apart in pitch is extremely common in today's rock, pop, and metal music. In fact in harder metal or hardcore music its been so used that for a time being there was a slight joke of a movement against bands that used this aspect in their songs because they were just ripping off what NORMA JEAN (website) had come up with and i highly doubt that they *invented the idea* but they do deserve credit for being an early band to coin a style of use for the "dissonant chords."
I see those "dissonant chords" as a very effective example of the additive synthesis in common music because the notes fight so evidently, so that is why i concentrated on that subject so much, but all in all pretty much everything that involves numerous notes performed from one instrument entails additive synthesis in a way. I guess this is another case that suggests new media to be not so different after all.
Chris Lundeen
Saturday, November 24, 2007
heavy metal
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
More Nothing: The Presequel to My Earlier Blogs Yet to be Posted
Something that is either totally absolute, or absolutely
nothing or non-existent.
Monday, November 19, 2007
okay so here is a formula for a sinusoid wave.
Basically it's the mathematical way of saying how Dr.T showed us the Sine Square Triangle and Sawtooth method.
Wikipedia states...(Any non-sinusoidal waveforms, such as square waves or even the irregular sound waves made by human speech, can be represented as a collection of sinusoidal waves of different periods and frequencies blended together. The technique of transforming a complex waveform into its sinusoidal components is called Fourier analysis. "WIKIPEDIA")
I think this is interesting, but I am almost posting to express an opinion across music. Which is... It should never be mathematically equated like this. I think it ruins every aspect of music possible. Knowledge is power but this is a bright meaning of ignorance is bliss.
Talkin' About Nothing!
"My week is your year": Side A of Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music
So just what does it sound like? Limiting myself to Side A of the first record, it sounds as if it behaves in perfectly logical fashion: the beginning sounds like any sort of regular intro to a sound piece, rising from initial sounds to sustained drones that relate to each other in ways that approximate a major key. Scattered high squeaks intermittently sound at the onset, then fade away, only to return at various points. Different textures move in, linger, and then are replaced by slightly different ones. A sense of space is created via the modulation and "beating" of certain frequencies. Little linear melodies dot in and out, never to be repeated. Bits that sound vaguely atonal are treated as almost passing tones, bent slightly out of a relative key and then returned to rough normality. By side's end, the music concludes much as it began: the inaugural sounds make a return appearance to bookend the first half of the first record
In the last couple years, Zeitkratzer, a German group dedicated to playing the "new" music of the 20th century, worked up a score derived from MMM and performed their interpretation of it live in Europe, inviting Lou Reed to add a heavily-processed guitar solo over the last minutes of the piece. Having by then passed the age of 60, he obliged.
A 30 second clip from the beginning of Side A can be heard here
Friday, November 16, 2007
Feedback Pendulums & Lucier Wires
Monday, November 12, 2007
pendulum pain
Being that we performed a piece thats loud in a concert hall, it was heard by the entire building and required an awesome yes we're loud sign on the classroom door to the hallway.
As joyous as the torture it brings upon other building residers to hear the volume, nonetheless PENDULUM PAIN is a good way to state what occurs. I was lucky enough to have earplugs on me that day and i must say it was still VERY loud as in the type that you feel the vibrations in your body.
I find this piece very comparable to modern music events because 1-it is performed at a deafening volume. 2-there is some ridiculous distortion. & 3-some people get ticked off by it easily =]
However, I did severely enjoy the pendulum music re-enactment in class, and the awesome frequency responses we were capable of generating just as i enjoy extremely loud modern concerts. So... to this PENDULUM MUSIC i say BRAVO!!!
Chris Lundeen
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Penduludium. It's the New Sonata.
Remember when we did that? I almost don't. But I luckily still do. So as a new rule to myself, which I hopefully will abide by, I am going to attempt to update this blog faster than I have been in the recent past. We will see how long this lasts. Probably until the end of the semester.
So... My first question/response to our couple of performances is:
1. How can we reproduce this amazing *THAWOMP!* sound on a second occasion?
This question comes from a specific part of our first performance where Isaac's speaker setup was producing an incredibly low frequency with some pretty sweet low-level distortion (from what I could hear). This sort of sound deserves to be preserved, why?... Just my opinion. This is just one of those pieces that it wouldn't be to bad of an idea to record some results every so often just for chance purposes- especially if you are into sounds that aren't regularly heard- that are also not digitally manipulated with any sort of software. It reminded me a lot of some of the sound-ideas that we come up with in MUSM 437: DYI Audio. Check it out if you are tech*slash*music savvy- or aren't and want to be.
So... I am pretty sure I made enough of a fuss in class for everyone that was there to know how much I enjoyed just one of the sounds produced so I will leave that to rest.
The other times we performed the piece I was not as stunned. Well, I take that back. The sound probably stunned me either way because of the volume even with earplugs in.
But sort of on the same lines of that low frequency- I Wiki'ed for a while the other night and found a little bit more about "brown-noise" which we talked about a while back. (I have no idea what I was looking for, but landed on Brownian motion and the random functions therein and found a whole page of different types of noise. Brown, Pink, Grey, White, Red... all with different frequency/amplitude relationships. Check it out. (CLICK THIS for link). And sorry guys- there is no brown note. Although Southpark references it to an exact frequency...
"92 cents below the lowest octave of E-Flat" LOL!
Thank you Wikipedia. Thank you so much.
So everyone remember to tune your pianos regularly... OR ELSE!!
Oh, I remember what I was looking for now... I was looking to see if a perpetual motion machine had been created. This was a cool theoretical device (if it worked).
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Still Nothing That Rhymes with Radio
"Radio Music" is always a fun piece to perform in my opinion. There is always some difference in every performance that brings to my mental table another sample of sound that I have not heard before. There is always this energy between engaged performers that makes the piece almost more enjoyable to the performer than the audience- I will have to assume this because I have never seen an audience while performing the piece. But we will see soon maybe, possibly?
My critiques for our performance would be that we could have tried moving around the room to find different timbres for each radio's sound, plus adding another form of spacializaion in addition to having the radios placed in differing locations around the room. I remember a movie in Music History where Cage was performing one of his "Circus's" and the performers were walking around while performing, and to me, this would create a more amiable sound- at least in volume, to the audience instead of just raising and lowering the volume from the radio itself. Hey, and the more sound manipulation the better, eh? eh?
I did particularly like the "transposition" of the piece into the FM bandwidth. This could also have a lot more connotations though, this "transposition." What if every performer had access to XM radio and could make a continuous stream of stations that way. I don't know if that is physically possible at the moment, but it would definitely open up a huge range of timbres and sounds that maybe haven't been explored.
Go ahead, try it.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Wolff Orchestra
Cage Radio
Saturday, November 3, 2007
What to do after college...
Friday, November 2, 2007
"I prefer laughter to tears..."
It's really interesting to note that the format of that particular game show was left behind in order to allow him to play the piece, as well as the fact that union politics entered into and affected the performance of an avowedly lefty composer!
Monday, October 29, 2007
guess and tell
Actually no, the parts fit even better than that. There was structure to the starting points of every stimulus and reaction and much control over volume for the reactions. This will greatly enhance my creative musical mind!
Chris Lundeen
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What Rhymes with Radio?
If anyone knows of something that rhymes with radio, go ahead an comment.
I'll post more soon.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Collaborating music and lights
Monday, October 22, 2007
The silence
In last week's class we performed a radio music piece that involved tuning stations at random timing according to the order of a sheet with the only limitations being it would span 6 minutes and you could not stay on one station for the whole time. Because of this inbetween stations we encountered a lack of a radio program however, i would argue that we still got tonal music in the "blank" frequencies. I feel this way because there is still noise in the background. If you asked someone to listen after you turned the dial on a radio from a station to a unused frequenced you would get the "Listen to what?" response and it would be common to hear them say what am i listening for there is nothing there, its just silence. This wouldn't occur in some cases where a radio projects the static very loudly, but especially on many newer radios nothing would project and maybe there IS silence. However i would still argue this is very much so musical for many reasons.
Mainly I would argue for that because you can easily compare the empty frequencies to the pauses in songs. Is it not true that just as you are dialed in with your attention in a song when its paused, and you wait for something to happen? Is it not also true that when you have a radio on and it is not tuned to a broadcasting station it makes that same desire for something to happen occur? In my mind much of the effectiveness in music might be in the commonly unnoticed, suspense of pause or silence. THE SILENCE is what brings forth our desire for more, and does its job every time.
Chris Lundeen
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Being a sensitive listener
Monday, October 15, 2007
2 Different Melodies Creating a Third
Click Here
Throughout the piece there is a dichotomy between sounds that are very tonal in their nature, and those that are more rich regarding their spectrum. The latter of these sounds have more inharmonic spectra (frequencies in between what we would call "notes" in a tonal structure). These two sounds are intertwined in the first section showing relationships between their range and also the specific frequencies present- one just has more differing frequencies (and is probably derived from the first sound [the """"piano"""" sounding thing] but I will not go too much into the source of these sounds.) A similarity in these first two sounds, or gestures from now on, is their almost chordal structure. There usually is an interval in the first gesture or a similar intervalic range produced in the second gesture; only in the second this interval is filled in or has some frequency material between the frequency maximum and minimum.
The second "section" that I noticed was more melodic by far, not being driven by intervals harmonically, but rather- you guessed it: melodically. I wouldn't classify it as a classic lullaby, but its softness does offer a rather delicate nature often becoming more active dynamically but then receding back to its almost docile quality. This section is then accompanied by rich long tones and intervals that provide a background texture to add some color to the sound pallet. Soon this section reveals another instance of the """""""piano""""""" sounding thing and is much more agitated for a period of time. Now we are beginning to experience delay! Or at least a much greater semblance than we have heard so far. Now the melodic gestures are accompanied by themselves and create the intervalic material from well, itself. Then... There... Is... A... Slower... Section... Lots... Of... Space... Then... An alien talks. Well. No. Not really.
Being the humans we are, we immediately notice someones voice no matter how drastically changed it is. This is one source that I oftentimes have a real difficulty listening to and not just shouting, "HEY! I KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!" So I will. Just this once... maybe.
The delay that he used in the piece decays rather quickly, losing a lot of the frequencies from the original gesture in only 1 or 2 generations. At the 5th and 6th generation it is a totally different sound. Almost like the difference between the dichotomy of the two sounds/gestures in the beginning...
But I really don't know. So I'll leave you with that for now.
mystical noise
I listened to "Dialogue" by Tenney, and was pleasantly reminded of the R2D2 effect as i will call it. There are what seem like random pitched and timed note sequences that make up the phrases of such music.
However cool all that is, that wasn't the main point of this. The main sounds of this include a rhythmic background that comes and goes, and creeping whistle noises making it reminiscent of the forbidden planet and other scary movie parts but not for long because they are quickly interupted by the above mentioned R2D2 randomization.
What i got from this was basically a feeling of curiosity, which I think is natural when listening to music that both stimulates lurky and random things in my head.
Chris Lundeen
Friday, October 12, 2007
White Noise?
white noise
Also called white sound. a
steady, unvarying, unobtrusive sound, as an electronically produced drone or the
sound of rain, used to mask or obliterate unwanted sounds.
random noise with a uniform frequency spectrum over a wide range of
This handy definition from shows us that any structuring of the white noise makes it no longer "white". White noise is a very specific quality of sound that has its own definition. There is no audible semblance of the word "white" or "sea" in white noise. If we subtract enough sine waves through subtractive synthesis we may uncover such a phenomenon, but we would destroy the purity of true white noise in the process by changing it. If we must use the idea of "white noise" let us only refer to it as part of the source or process in creating the piece we heard, but not so much of any exact sound presented in the piece. I sound pushy don't I? Well, I'll stop here. I would probably get quite annoying if I continued.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
this clip of Xenakis' electronic music includes the main works from his 1st period (1957-1962), - Diamorphoses, Concert PH, Orient-Occident - one from his 2nd, (1969-1977) - Hibiki-Hana-Ma -and one from his last - S.709.
Monday, October 8, 2007
White Noize
That thing
Well i've spent a lot of time with not-so-typical music in the past year and studied with the basis that the sound's source is unimportant on many occassions. However different the listening experiences of bands and the studying its funny how much the things i've learned in studying apply to the typical listening.
First of all, when bands play most of the time everyone thinks, yea i know what that sound is its a bass drum or a snare head or you name it. The thing that many people are oblivious to are that many times in live performance and/or recording sure someone played a bass drum or snare head, but the sound that comes out is a desired triggered sound that is pre-recorded and used for that *near perfect* sound.
Also, many sounds that are live or real are now days easy to mix up with instruments because of processing and effects. In fact people have confused keyboard and guitar parts since the 80's rock music of van halen and i'm sure even before that. What this leads me to conclude is that new media music and pop music however different they seem in aesthetic tonality, really value the same thing, that being how something sounds. I've come to see that whatever "that thing" is that we like to here we don't care how it is generated.
It's funny what a year in new media does to your outlook. A couple years ago i would have just called anyone that wants anything to do with the WEIRD MUSIC a little goofy in the head, but now i see how the important sound aspects correlate perfectly with typical popular music.
Chris Lundeen