Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When I Wake Up Each Morning, My Alarm Plays Caribbean Music

It's been a while since I started. "What?" you ask... Well, anything. But music, school, and breathing come to mind upon first glance. These things have always been there. They have always been things. I often don't make sense. But I keep talking. Unfortunately for you readers, it is late, and I am sleepy, and yet, motivated to write a blog. Web-Log. Weblog. We-Blog. We do blog don't we.


Wow. OK, so the point of this weeks installment of my blog is in answer to many threads on "our" blog that are generally speaking about music and/or New Media. Or something completely different. I liked James' last post about inspirations. It really gets to the point of music, the reason for music. Inspiration. Whether it is a "who" or a "what" or a "when" and so on, it is something. Something not to be trifled with. Or at least without a good reason.

The post made me recollect what I like about my favorite music. I draw a blank absolutely every time. I have been a music student for 5 years and all I can think about is "what" the music is doing, not entirely "what about the music" I like. And if I am a little unclear, which I may be, I will reiterate: I can't exactly put my finger on what exactly gets me intrigued about my favorites. You know, the CD's that are always playing. Or the songs that give you the chills when you just even think about them. I'm also not sure if everyone has that sort of reaction to a specific musical event. But some do.

Why is there a difference between that "favorite song feeling" and "muffled, radio bar-rock"? Isn't it just sound? NO! And Yes! :/ and maybe a couple more "no's" and "yes's", but who knows. It's so different from person to person. Yet we are taught in college to recognize potential differences in these different forms of sound. There is just so much variety out there, it is hard to distinguish between these sounds- if we were to put them in categories.

In an attempt to segue to my point: hypothetical question: do you listen to only one style of music? If not- what styles are they? And how do they differ? If yes- what is it that draws you into this style of music? Are there other styles/types that you are not as interested in or just slightly less interested than your favorite?

I'm sure there are answers all throughout that continuum. And music students of any emphasis, and music lovers in general will most likely have different answers across it, but they can all appreciate seeing someone else's point of view- even if it is very different from their own.

A sort of stereotype that I have run into being in musical academia is the "so, ya talk about Bach and Mozart all day, eh?" (apparently a Canadian asked this individual time, maybe a northern Minnesotan). But I always wonder why music is never related to a foundations/emphasis duality. You learn foundations (basics- the words, the early works, the traditional theory) and then you move onto the emphasis (not the basics- oppositional viewpoints, analytical and creative techniques, avant-guard musical selections, and more technical aspects that the less interested seem to be, well, less interested in.) And that is leaving out performance practice of the music itself. It can get complicated, but then again, what field isn't complicated at some point? Math... yep. Econ... yep. Aviation... yep. History... good God. I guess my sub-point here is that many see music as being irrelevant to these, but in reality, is so irreversibly intertwined it is impossible to take them apart (awesome alliterations).

To these people from above, I usually say, "Yep. That's all we do."

Just kidding. I usually begin explaining what I just did, but they walk away when I blink.

These complications are important however long winded they can be to explain.

Think of the best "music industry" producers. They're makin' the "big bucks" right? So could they make it in the "industry" without a pretty good grasp of music on a complicated scale? Even though they have all the technology in their hands- they not only need to know how to operate it, but also what the hell they are trying to accomplish **e x a c t l y** to their specifications. Many have gone through the trials and tribulations of sheer experience, but I am pretty sure that a few mind bending classes (or lessons, or apprenticeships) have been taken to make them the best at what they do. They may have not used every single concept (i.e. I'm pretty sure I can't find a worthwhile application for a Lucier Wire at the moment- for myself that is) but these people use the concepts to think outside of "THE BOX" the dreaded Hypothetical "BOX".

This box really doesn't exist unless we fail to let it not exist. Hmm... Let me try and explain that one. So I am taking a basic music class. I just learned what a triad is. The much beloved 3 note chord. I believe in this triad, for it is what I know. This is my box at the moment. Anything I learn and accept will be a part of this box. Thinking out side the box is really just willingness to pursue new knowledge that you didn't know or believe in.

Now what we all truly want to do is blow the box out of the "water". Where the water came from I don't know, but we sure as hell want to blow the box away and not have it anymore. This is when we not only are pursuing new knowledge out of our box, but understand it so thoroughly that it poses no limitation on us and all aspects regarding the box are thrown away. Ta-da. Ding. *Bell noise* We no longer have to rely on some box that never really existed in the first place. We had to believe it did, otherwise we would have nowhere to put new information. I am being somewhat redundant, but this is such an important concept.

I will always have some sort of box however, personally. I have a math box. I think 99 percent of humans have a math box. Don't you agree? I don't know the square root of -27, and neither should you. It is out side of our math box and only if we really loved finding the SQUARE ROOT OF MINUS 27 would we ever escape our math box. Or in other words, make it not exist.

Sooooooo... New Media got ya' down? It may not be vital to your survival, although it may enrich the other areas of your life if you just go with it. It all in all is a good experience. And by no means is it comprehensive yet- in my mind. If it is """"""New"""""" it could still be in the creation process today. Who knows, maybe something on of us 5 does will kick start a new trend in the musical world. Or math world. Or something else.

I am running out of brain for the night. I could go on, but I need to sleep, and this is quite long enough for tonight. Although I do recall promising MIND BLOWING BLATHER!! So there it was. I will most likely continue with this later being that I am short a few blogs.

Please feel free to ask questions about anything- especially if I am at all unclear.

Thank you and Congratulations for making it through this.

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