Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I am unsure of where these inspirations come from. new media. what came first the new or the media? Whats so new about it? i think it's a miscommunicated seducing persuasion. I stepped into New Media thinking we would be working with equipment beyond the imagination. Little did I know New Media is using your imagination beyond the equipment. Oh well. What is my inspiration with music if all I do is write complaints about what I am already involved in. I'm unsure. But it seems a rebellious personality never hurt anyone. I guess going against the grain... well I should of researched further into New Media before taking such a dramatic impulse of dreams towards it. On a positive note: New Media taught me things I would of never imagined. Danke :) you New Media. so i still dont get it. What is your inspiration towards music? really i would love to know. I didn't mention it two sentences ago but a sudden impulse of satisfaction came over me at the idea of your Inspiration. You may read this thinking i'm a failing teacher of pride/honor unlike the coach of Remember the Titans or any other inspirational movie. You may be right, but I would still like to know exactly why music is your charm. I would like to think of myself as a quiet child unable to grow without the nourishment of emotional knowledge. I hate logical concepts. I don't care for them due to my own self issues of past relationships. Go figure. Speaking of emotional concepts, that seems to be the only thing that flows out of my finger tips or lips whenever a decision no matter how serious or complex.

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