Monday, December 10, 2007

The Physical Force of Loud Live Music

A word about a concert experience I had this weekend. The concert I went to last saturday (Menomena at the Varsity Theater in Dinkytowne), I just wanted to make note of the idea of music, especially live, often having the physical aspect worked into it. The bands had ultra thumpy electronic and bass noises that were so intense at some points that the empty beer cans and glasses on the stage bounced about and one even moved 2 feet forwards and fell off the stage! haha! Also the stage having a certain amount of "give" to it really made the opening band's stomping of their feet at some points have a real heavy-hitting aspect to the sound. In general, I think there is definitely a very physical aspect in hearing music in a live setting. While too often the music is cranked up to a level that can take away from certain elements, whether they may be hearing the words being sung clearly or certain instruments being completely drowned out by others, I think it often stands true that when done right, the louder it is the better up to a certain point. The other downside of when it is too loud is that the physical force of the sound pummeling you can actually have a sort of draining effect. I know I would often feel like my body and head took a beating after certain shows and i'd feel wiped out even without really getting into it by way of moving about.

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