Friday, October 12, 2007

White Noise?

I woke up on the wrong side of bed today and decided that I will throw some sticks in the spokes of "The Sea Darkens" or at least the way we refer to it in an analytical sense. I remember that we used the term "white noise" for metaphorical purposes, but in reality, there was absolutely no white noise in the piece by definition.

white noise
Also called white sound. a
steady, unvarying, unobtrusive sound, as an electronically produced drone or the
sound of rain, used to mask or obliterate unwanted sounds.
random noise with a uniform frequency spectrum over a wide range of

This handy definition from shows us that any structuring of the white noise makes it no longer "white". White noise is a very specific quality of sound that has its own definition. There is no audible semblance of the word "white" or "sea" in white noise. If we subtract enough sine waves through subtractive synthesis we may uncover such a phenomenon, but we would destroy the purity of true white noise in the process by changing it. If we must use the idea of "white noise" let us only refer to it as part of the source or process in creating the piece we heard, but not so much of any exact sound presented in the piece. I sound pushy don't I? Well, I'll stop here. I would probably get quite annoying if I continued.


Kristian Twombly said...

What we heard was an approximation of white noise - compare a consontant vs a vowel. A vowel is a pitched sound, while a consonant is essentially noise. A whisper approaches white noise but is colored, as it doesn't fill the spectrum with equal energy.

Logan said...

If we were to be very empirical, lets say for instance we start out with pure white noise, but then filter out some frequencies. Would this be "off-white" noise? Or perhaps "eggshell" or "taupe" noise? :D

Jokingly of course.

I guess the real point of my babbling is: what needs to happen to the sound of white noise before it is not considered "white" anymore? Is there a discernable line to cross?

Unknown said...

myself jonty who uses White Noise machine and a lover of blogs and sharing thoughts of mine, blog is a very useful where area one can share their thoughts of their own to others.Today i got a thought to market my white noise machine to all the people in the world.