Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Wilhelm Scream

Unfortunately, (or may be fortunately), this blog will be kept brief as it requires your ears more than your eyes to correctly understand what I am talking about. This blog is about the Wilhelm Scream, which is, a common sound effect that is heard in many popular movies. If you are thinking there is a chance you haven’t heard it, you are probably wrong. It has graced movies like the Indiana Jones trilogy, the Star Wars trilogy, and even all the way down to Gremlins 2.
What blows my mind is I found out about the history of this scream through a website while researching things for this class but I kind of already knew about the scream. I heard it so often as a child, and it is so unique, that even when I was ten years old I knew that there was a common scream that was used a lot in some of my favorite movies. Pretty weird for a kid to pick up on something like that but repetition is way we learn about things.
I won’t discuss the history of the scream because, well, there’s a youtube link below this that does just that. Also at the bottom of this blog are two collages of various movie scenes which use the Wilhelm Scream. Definitely check these videos out if you want a laugh or if you just want to know what the hell I was talking about.

The History of the Wilhelm Scream

The Wilhelm Scream (1953-1999)

The Wilhelm Scream (1977-2007)

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