Sunday, October 12, 2008

Changes in Sound

Since I really haven't watched anything this week on TV I thought I'd brain storm on some of the changes I've noticed over time in the use of sound in TV shows and movies. When you watch and old Tom & Jerry episode it's mostly music with a bit of added sound for emphasis on certain things that happen in the screen. It's drastically different from the cartoons of today everything is Digi this and Digi that, I'm not knocking it if your into it, but even the sound that accompanies follows the same principle. Most of it sounds electronically mixed with a few really fake sounds to emphasize a certain action in the screen. Personally, I find them incredibly cheesy, but that's just me.

In a similar fashion I think it's peculiar that early films began with no sound except for music and have gradually evolved to these extremely complex sound creations that they are today. Mixing music with other added and mixed sounds to make a film so exact. Complete polar opposites fr the most part. I suppose that's the difference created with technology within the last fifty years or so. I think it this trend keeps progressing the way it is now that it'll be interesting to see what film sound like in another twenty years.

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