Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well, I do not know about the rest of you but that was the first time I had ever seen Airplane!. God, that style of humor gave me flash backs to movies like Hot Shots! and Hot Shots!: Part Deux. Personally, I kind of want to bust out those movies and see how similar the sound designs are. (Hell, I might make that my final.)
However, because this was my first time watching this film, I did not catch many of the sound devices we have been studying. As such, I would like to thank Doctor Twombly for pointing out what he did. Yet, I did notice one thing on my own.
There were two passengers in the film that spoke what was called “jive.” Obviously we, as the audience, weren’t supposed to understand everything the passengers were saying but I occasionally thought when I listened carefully I could understand the words they were saying even if they spoke so fast it was hard to get the meaning without the subtitles.
This is similar to the old man in Blazing Saddles but where Mel Brooks used gibberish to confuse the ear, the creators of Airplane! used speed to confuse the ear. I found it interesting that the same joke was made in each movie, but each movie used a different method to create the comedic effect. Apparently there are more than two ways to skin a joke.

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