Monday, November 17, 2008


I thought this movie was fantastic. In fact, I have been itching to get a copy for myself so that I could watch it all the way through and without jumping around. I may sound like a gushing, over-hyped loser but this is the kind of film that is a cinematic masterpiece to me.

It seemed to me, this only being my first viewing of the film, that there almost seemed to be two things grabbing for your attention on the screen at once. I would argue as the viewer your attention is split between the audio and visual track. It would be easy to think the opposite is true. The argument could be made that because of the minimalism in the audio and visual track, it would be hard to focus your attention. But it is because of that minimalism, that the two tracks demand your attention.

You cannot help but feel a great amount of suspense in the minimalism. As a member of the audience, I feel that you are straining your attention in the hopes of not missing any sudden change in the audio or visual elements. In a sense, you feel like you are watching two movies at once, one audio movie and one visual. It is not often that I find myself so drawn into a movie that my mind does not wander but 2001 accomplished that and more. I think this will be the first time that I will purchase a DVD without seeing a movie in its entirety.

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