Sunday, November 16, 2008

2001: A sound odyssey

As far as sound goes 2001 presented the sounds of space very realistically. while a good percentage of the time that sound was little more than the sound of silence. i felt that this was more effective in giving the audience a real sense of what space is really like, instead of getting explosions and laser beams bewww bewwwing through the screen. they also used a lot of sounds that most movies would tend to cut out of their soundtrack. like the sound of breathing and the sound of the oxygen tanks in the space suits. while many mainstream movies try to be thrilling and entertaining, they tend to try to cut out any sounds that may annoy the audience and take their attention away from the plot of the film. 2001 on the other had goes completely the opposite way and made things real and believable, while also making an entertaining film. while at times in the film this lack of sound can become, well boring for lack of a better term. but this is the cold reality of space. its not all glits and glamour that hollywood makes it out to be. but why not make something to be as realistic as possible. i guess that america just doesnt have the patients that they used to.

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