Wednesday, October 10, 2007


i listened to this sound clip of the artist Xenakis. It seems to be a gradual air lifting piece that im unsure of. I cant really say a whole lot about it, other then heres an EA piece that i listened to. Its not large enough to get the full feel, but ill keep looking and repost if i find something of a greater extent. Here is the link and info on the piece i heard.

this clip of Xenakis' electronic music includes the main works from his 1st period (1957-1962), - Diamorphoses, Concert PH, Orient-Occident - one from his 2nd, (1969-1977) - Hibiki-Hana-Ma -and one from his last - S.709.

1 comment:

Kristian Twombly said...

We have these recordings in the Mlller Center - look under "Iannis Xenakis"