Sunday, September 30, 2012


Many of you have seen the movie "Taken". Well recently there have been many comercials on "Taken 2" so I decided to watch the first one.  This movie is definately an action movie and I felt like it had a lot of the things that we have ben talking about in class. First one is added value. One of the examples I thought music played the added value, is when Bryan finds the person that took his daughter away and ties him in the chair and tries to get information on where did he sell his daughter too. The man is tyed to a chair and Bryan turns on the electricity which is shocking the guy. Well the sound that is added to this scene gives intensity, tension and disgust. This scene is also the example of direct sound or maybe Diajetic ( I guess I am still confused on the difference between the two). But the direct sound is that we see the source from where the sound originates, so every time Bryan turns on the light switch we hear that buzzing, penetrating noisy sound. This scene is also a very good example of empathetic music because to us as viewers/listeners we can both feel the anger of Bryan and the pain and scaredness of the bad guy.  Another example of direct sound in the movie that really stuck out to me was when Bryan was on the plane to rescue Kimmy and he was rewinding a recorder to hear the phone call when his daughter was Taken, we as audience saw the direct source yet not really because we heard the recordings but there were no images of his daughter. I also noticed that this movie was pretty big on using punctuation. Unifying or binding flow of images by music. Unifies visual breaks through sound overlaps and brings unity by establishing atmosphere as a framework that seems to contain the image. For example one of those scenes was when Bryan was in the apartment and kind of having mental pictures of how his daughter was taken.

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