Thursday, January 22, 2009

I had to go to Kiehle twice. The first time I went I could not grasp what I heard and saw. The second time though was different. I still can't say I understand what the artists wanted the viewer to perceive from their works, but I did put some of my own thoughts the second time. When I walked into the art gallery space I noticed right away a child’s voice. At first when I was standing at the entrance I thought the child was trying to sing. As I walked closer to the speakers the sound changed in that I heard the child change pitches in baby babble. Colors were being showing on a wall in front of the speakers, and I’m not sure what to put with them. I thought maybe the change of color had to do with the pitches, but as far as I could tell that was not the case.
The second thing I saw in the gallery was the organ. A small video was being played to one of the sides. There were two wheels spinning on either side of the organ. I was not able to hear anything from the organ till I walked right up to it. When I did that I heard a very quiet organ sound. It was not consistently playing, It seemed to me like an organist practicing with the stops and starts. At first I thought the video was making the sounds, but when a guitar was playing in the video with no sound representing that, I threw that idea out.
The other display I saw had no sound to it. It looked like a white bag that had air put in it and then closed. The background was a sky blue with the white bag kind of floating up and down on the screen. It reminded me of jelly fish, and I mistook it for that till the entire bag was put in view.
The last exhibit I walked right past and did not take notice to it, till a low rumble filled the gallery. It was in a corner of the gallery enclosed in a kind of a boxed area. In the middle was a small screen which lay on the floor. The small TV screen had wood put around it. I’m not sure why, but my thought is it was for the visual effect. The area had surround sound to it, with a video of lighting playing on the TV screen. The first sound I heard when I entered was a high chirp. It sounded like a bird to me. While standing in there for a bit a load sound was played . I could not get an idea of it , because it was gone as fast as it had started. Then the loudest sound came. Along with that the chirping was amplified as well. The sound reminded me of traffic and cars passing by on a wet road. It lasted for a short amount of time and then ended back to the quiet chirping sound.

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